Important Dates

7 weeks to go, and what a busy 7 weeks it is going to be. Please check the calendar on the website regularly for updates on events. Below is a list of some of the events coming up over the next 7 weeks:

Thursday 6th June – Year 6 Retreat

Tuesday 11th June – Nursery to Year 2 Sports Day. 9.15-10.15 – Nursery/Reception and 10.15-11.15 – Year 1 and 2. Parents welcome.

Friday 14th June – 2.30pm Year 6 and Class 7 Father’s Day Assembly. Parents from Year 6 and Class 7 are welcome to join us.

Tuesday 18th June – 12.30pm – KS 2 (Years 3/4/5/6) Sports Day at Queensway. Parents welcome.

Thursday 27th June – 1.30pm – New Reception Parents Meeting in school Hall.

Tuesday 2nd July – Class 7 trip to Queensway

Thursday 4th July – 2pm Reception Fun Run for Nightingale House – Parents welcome

Friday 5th July – Own Clothes Day – Bring a bottle

Thursday 11th July 2pm – Summer Fayre

Thursday 18th July 2pm – Year 6 Leavers Assembly – Year 6 Parents welcome

Friday 19th July – Last Day before the Summer Holidays