Parents Evening

Parents Evenings will take place next week after school. Your class teacher will inform you of times by the end of this week. Thank you.

Breakfast Club Charges

Just a reminder that breakfast club charges start tomorrow from 8am. Thank You


The Inspectors left yesterday lunchtime after a very busy few days. It is will great pleasure that I can inform you all that the inspection went very well and the team were very happy with standards and provision at St Anne’s. A big thank you to the parents that were able to join them for … Read more

Breakfast club charges

Good morning, after half term children not entitled to free school meals will be expected to pay £1 per day to attend breakfast club from 8am. From 8.20am it will be free with last admittance being 8.40am. Mr Oakley will continue to supervise and will be responsible for collecting money each morning. He has been … Read more

School grounds

Good morning, the green gate at the front of the school will remain locked from 9 am on a daily basis. It will re-open for nursery parents and be closed again until the end of the school day. We want to ensure that ALL our children are safe. Thank you for your patience.

Parent meeting with Inspectors

A reminder that Mrs Davies would like to welcome parents to a meeting. It will start at around 3.15pm. Children will not be able to attend but staff will be able to look after them in Year 5 until the meeting is over. Thank you.

FW: Year5: Grosvenor Estate trip.

From: G Nicholls (St Annes Catholic Primary School) Sent: 13 February 2019 16:16 To: Subject: Year5: Grosvenor Estaste trip.   A great day out at the Grosvenor estate today. We learnt about habitats and trees. We  had a great talk from the game keeper about his role at the estate.


Disco – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will take place after school on Wednesday 20th. Pick up time is 4.30pm. KS2 – Year 3,4,5,6 will take place on Wednesday 21st. Pick up time is also 4.30pm. Thank you. Mrs Priest-Jones

Glan Llyn

Good morning! Had a great night now up enjoying a campfire and bush craft before climbing. We will be back in school between 2.30 and 2.45pm. Please let us get off the bus and back to Year 4 before collecting your child from there. Looking forward to seeing you all later.  Miss Davies  Get Outlook … Read more

Glan Llyn

 Arrived safe and sound, lunch eaten and ready for an afternoon of canoeing and orienteering.  Get Outlook for iOS