Lego Club

There will be no Lego Club tonight due to Mrs Thomas being unwell.  Thank you  Get Outlook for iOS

Eco Council Competition

The Eco Rangers are running a litter poster competition over the Easter Holidays. You must design a poster about the importance of recycling. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2. Good Luck!  Eco Rangers  Get Outlook for iOS

Netball / Football

Children will be arriving back at school after Netball / Football approx. 5.15pm depending on traffic.  If for any reason they may be delayed the caretaker will be contacted to update you at school. Thank You.


It has been brought to my attention that a few parents are bringing dogs onto the school grounds. Dogs are NOT ALLOWED anywhere on the school site even being carried. It is a health and safety issue and I have a duty of care to all children, staff and parents. I would not like either a dog or a child getting … Read more

End of term letter

A letter will be going home with children tomorrow. Please follow the calendar on the website for new dates after the Easter break.  

Netball Cancelled

Sorry for the short notice but I have cancelled Netball after school today because of the weather.


There are still plenty of tickets left for Bingo. £1 per ticket. It is always a great evening! Please try and support as all the money raised will go into supporting your children 🙂


Our Easter Bingo will take place this Thursday 4th April. Doors will open at 5.30pm with eyes down at 6pm. Due to capacity tickets are available from school for £1 per person and on arrival you will be placed in a draw. Please send your money into school for Mrs Blackwell.

Non Uniform day

This Friday it is Non Uniform day to support our Easter bingo. Please bring in a £1 contribution or an Easter Egg donation. Thank you for your support. The Bingo will take place on Thursday 4th April. More information will follow over the next week or so.