Welcome to Reception!
Miss Davies is the Class Teacher and Miss Peggy is the class teaching assistant.
In Reception, the interests of the children encompass all the areas of learning. We encourage independence with our can do approach, to develop confident and capable children. We aim provide the children with real life experiences where possible and our high expectations of the children ensure that they reach their full potential.
If you would like to see what Reception are learning, please make sure you are connected to our class seesaw. This is also one of our main forms of communication for notices and homework
Class Reminders:
• PE is currently a Tuesday.
• Children need to bring a healthy snack into school for break and milk is provided by school.
Reading folders need to be in every Wednesday.
• Please make sure you check the school app regularly for the latest letters and information. More information on how to download the app can be found here on the website.
If you have any questions, please get in touch either through seesaw or by phoning school and I will be more than happy to help.
Miss Davies