We want our school uniform to be smart, flexible and affordable. You can find a list of the school uniform below:
Royal blue jumper or cardigan,
White polo shirts or shirts,
Grey trousers, shorts or skirt,
Blue gingham/striped dress,
Black shoes (Not trainers)
Physical Education
Black/royal blue shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms, a white t-shirt, black plimsolls (indoors), trainers (outdoors).
Purchasing School Uniform
Our school uniform can be purchased from RAM Leisure in Wrexham.
Pre-Loved School Uniform
We operate a school uniform reuse and recycle service. Should you have any of the uniform below which you no longer require, please do send it into school for us to recycle and reuse.
If you wish to access any of the pre-loved uniform, for a small donation, please contact Mrs Blackwell through the school office, with the sizes and item required and we will check our stock levels.
Welsh Government – School Uniform Grants
The Welsh Government operates the ‘Schools Essentials’ grant support scheme which is administered by the Local Authority. You can find out more by clicking on this link.