Dosbarth Saith/Class Seven

Class 7

Teacher: Mrs Rooney 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Sales and Mrs Sabir.

Welcome to Class 7.

Class 7 is a wonderful and unique class that currently has children from Reception to Year 6. Mrs Rooney is the class teacher, Mrs Sales and Mrs Sabir are the teaching assistants. We are a great team and really work well together.

In Class 7 our topic changes half termly and we try to make sure that it captures all of the children’s interests! We will be focusing on various Literacy and Numeracy tasks and goals both, individually and together, we enjoy supporting each other in our learning. We encourage children in Class 7 to bring their book bag to school every day to allow them time to read and change their books each week. Class 7 have afternoon activities throughout the week such as: Outdoor Learning, Social Stories, Sensory Time, Expressive Arts Afternoon and Golden Time! We learn new skills every week and this equips us for our lives in school, the wider world and our future.

We are encouraging independence on our laptops during ‘Technology time’ and ask them to take their own pictures of their work for Seesaw. Please encourage your child to log into HWB or Seesaw at home to practice their computer skills.

If you would like to talk to us about questions/concerns please ring up school to make an appointment.

Summer 2023

As the weather is getting hotter, can I please ask that children come in with sun cream on and bring a labeled sun hat.

Class Trip May 2023