Dosbarth Un / Class One

Welcome to Year 1/Santes Teresa, 

Miss C Davies and Ms Roberts,

Welcome to our Year 1 class page.

During this year the children will be focusing on developing their independence when writing and using their phonic knowledge to get ready for Year 2. 

We look forward to sharing our new and exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our Year 1 class.

Please see below a list of reminders

Monday: Reading Books back to school.

Please read with your child over the weekend and record in their reading diary.

Monday and Friday: Children to come to school in PE kits.

Healthy snack to be brought in for snacktime please along with a water bottle. 

Please ensure you have scanned the code for seesaw as this will be where we post important class information and the children will also get opportunity to share their work with you.

Please remember to check the school website and app for all school information.  

Thankyou for your continued support.

Miss C Davies and Ms Roberts

Autumn term