Croeso i ddosbarth Tri a Pedwar!
Class Teacher: Miss Healey
Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Griffiths
Our classroom topics are changed every half term. This half term the children have been looking at significant people past and present. They have explored inspirational people such as David Walliams (Gangsta Granny), Rosa Parks (Civil Rights Leader) and Neil Armstrong`s first moon landing.
Our new topic for autumn term 2 the children will be exploring Welsh Myths and Legends, local Welsh Castle and Welsh Folklore music.
Spring Term 1 we will be looking at the sustainability of our world and climate change. The children be developing an understanding of the different changes that will happen over a period of time and how it can affect the worlds future.
This year our class has a classroom pet called Nugget. Nugget is a small furry hamster. The children enjoy having extra responsibilities within our class. One of these responsibilities is supporting with the daily care for Nugget.
This year we are encouraging the children to become more independent learners through the use of having challenges linked to the chosen topic. Please support and encourage your child to log into HWB and Google classroom to access homework and class projects.
Please ensure your child has a healthy snack and water bottle each day and that dinners are booked using Parent Pay.
Class Reminders:
-Tuesday is Outdoor Learning
- Thursday is P.E
If you have any questions, please get in touch either through seesaw or by phoning school and I will be more than happy to help.
Miss Healey and Mrs Griffiths