School dinners

Good morning, hot dinners will now be available in school each day if your child/children is attending for care and support. Unless you are entitled to free school meals, dinners must be paid for each day. Please ensure your child is in school by 9.30am so that the cook can prepare. Thank you.

Free School Meals Update

Good afternoon,  We have received an update on Free School Meals from the Local Authority. Please check the school website homepage for all the up to date information. 

Next term

Good afternoon, I hope you are all safe and well and you have managed to have a lovely Easter weekend. As you have heard, lockdown will continue for another 3 weeks and there has been no official date for when schools reopen for all children. For that reason, distance learning will start again on Monday. … Read more

Easter break

Good morning all, I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the sunshine. A reminder that today will be the last day for online learning until Monday 20th April to give the children and staff a much needed break. There is no more news from school other than we are still open for care … Read more

Easter break

Good morning everyone, Happy Palm Sunday to you all! A reminder to key workers that school will remain open over the Easter break from 8am until 3.15pm. Mrs Thomas will not be in the office for the next 2 weeks so if you do need to ring school for any reason, please leave a message and … Read more

School Update – April 2020

Good morning,  a letter has been posted onto the school website to give you all a school update. Please ring school if you have any concerns or questions. Take care. Mrs Priest-Jones.


Good Morning,  Please check your HWB emails this week as Miss Davies has emailed you all a code for Seesaw. This code will allow you to post on your Seesaw journal among other things.  Thank you. 


Good Afternoon  As a team we would just like to remind Foundation Phase parents that we are busy setting work for your children on a range of platforms. HWB, Active Learn, Seesaw and Twinkle Go.  Thank you to those of you who have engaged with us in the past week, we hope you have enjoyed … Read more

Free school Meals

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, If your child/children are entitled to Free school meals, you can collect from the following places during the week:Caia Park Estate office Gwersyllt Estates office Rhos Estates office (Stiwt)Memo Hall WrexhamPlas Pentwyn CoedpoethLlay Resource CentreOverton Library (Cocoa Rooms)Ysgol Y Waen Chirk You can go to the nearest site. Packed lunches … Read more

Care and Support

Dear Parents and Carers, School will continue to provide care and support for key workers and looked after children next week however I would appreciate it, if you could let us know the day/s your child/children need the provision so that I can organise staffing. If you can ring Mrs Thomas in the office by … Read more