Letters: Whole School
Please read the attached letter Parent-letter-June-2021.pdf
Please read the attached letter Parent-letter-June-2021.pdf
Please read for details on KS2 return to school KS2-return-to-school1783.pdf
Please make sure you check the staggered start times as there have been a few small changes. start-times-for-Foundation-Phase1708.pdf
Please see updated letter with correct dates for next week. Letter-regarding-return-to-school-for-Foundation-phase1717.pdf
Please read the attached statement from the Welsh Government. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Written-Statement-Return-to-school-and-college-arrangements-4-January-2021-Final31013.pdf
Please make sure you read the attached letter. It contains important information about January 2021. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 January-2021-Information-For-Parents.pdf