December Update

Tomorrow children are to wear their own clothes and we ask for either a donation of a full bottle for the Christmas Fayre or £1. Monday children are invited to wear party clothes to celebrate Mrs Roberts’ special birthday with her. Next Thursday is the Christmas Fayre, if anyone has any donations please send them … Read more


Bore da, On Friday 29th November, all children are invited to come to school in their own clothes. Please bring in either a bottle or £1 to contribute to the Christmas fayre bottle stall. Also on Monday 2nd December, all children are able to come into school in their party clothes. Mrs Robert’s is celebrating her 60th birthday … Read more

Church grounds

Good morning, St Anne’s Church is currently closed due to having to have the removal of asbestos. From Monday, parents and visitors to our school will no longer be able to walk through the church grounds to access school as it will be blocked off for safety reasons. Please use the drive way or the … Read more


Dear Parents, Have you ordered your school Individual photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Sunday 1st December.  Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit  If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option … Read more

Poppy Appeal

Thank you for supporting this years Poppy Appeal. We have just been informed that school has raised £155.10.

School Closed!

Due to the weather conditions we have made the decision to close the school to keep everyone safe.

Tempest Photography

Good Morning Just a reminder that Tempest Photography are in school tomorrow taking childrens photographs.  They will be starting at 9am with siblings first, then follow with individual photographs. Thank you

Christmas Concert Date Change

The evening performance of the Christmas Concert has changed from the 11th December to 12th December at 6pm. Thank you

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

Last week T4U came in and held an assembly about this years shoe box appeal. If you would like to take part please read the attached leaflet for more information. T4U-Leaflet-2024.pdf