Dosbarth Pedwar / Year Four

Welcome / Croeso!

Welcome to Year 4.

Teacher: Mrs Humphreys

Teaching Assistant: Miss Lancaster.

Year 4 is an amazing and unique class that currently has Mrs Humphreys and Miss Lancaster, we are a great team and really work well together.

In Year 4 our topic will be changing half termly and we try to make sure that it captures all of the children’s interests! We will be focusing on various Literacy and Numeracy tasks as well as focusing on all areas of learning through the Curriculum for Wales. We will also work on both, individually and class goals and targets, we enjoy supporting each other in our learning. We learn new skills every week and this equips us for our lives in school, the wider world and our future.

We will be having Rugby sessions on a Wednesday and PE on a Friday. We will also being going to the Gym at Queensway and Swimming at Waterworld later in the Academic Year.

We encourage children to bring their book bag to school every Monday to allow them time to read their books. Book bags will be sent home on a Friday along with spellings for the next week.

We are encouraging independence on our laptops and will be asking them to take their own pictures of their work for Seesaw. Please encourage your child to log into HWB or Seesaw at home to practice their computer skills. You can post things you do at home, the weekends or in the holidays too!

Please send your child to school with a labelled Water Bottle to have throughout the day to ensure they say hydrated and healthy all year round.

If you would like to talk to us about questions/concerns please ring up school to make an appointment.