December Update

Tomorrow children are to wear their own clothes and we ask for either a donation of a full bottle for the Christmas Fayre or £1.

Monday children are invited to wear party clothes to celebrate Mrs Roberts’ special birthday with her.

Next Thursday is the Christmas Fayre, if anyone has any donations please send them in to school by Monday.

Tickets for Christmas concerts go on sale on Monday and Tuesday next week. Tickets cost £1 and you must have a ticket to attend due to the healthy and safety numbers allowed in the hall. You can purchase 2 tickets per family and there will be a reserve list, this is on a first come first served basis.

  • Tickets for ‘Hosanna Rock’ – Class 1/2 up to year 6 will be available at 9am on Monday and Tuesday in the Brown Cabin on the Infant Yard.
  • Tickets for ‘Wriggly Nativity’ – Nursery and Class Reception/Yr 1 will be available 8.50am in the blue building.

Please check the website calendar for the dates and times of all performances.

Thank you