Parents Evening

Good afternoon,  For those of you attending Parent’s evening today and tomorrow, please use the main entrance if your child is in Year 1, Year 3/4, Year 4/5 and Year 5/6.  Reception parents please use the door at the back of the classroom and Year 2’s can go straight to the cabin.  Thank you  Mrs … Read more

Parents Evening

Good afternoon, if you haven’t already booked in with your child/children’s class teacher for parents evening I suggest you sort this after school today. Meetings are taking place (face to face) tomorrow and Wednesday after school. It’s really important that these meetings take place so that we can work together to support your child’s progress. … Read more

World of Work Week

The last week of term has been jam packed with visitors to help us celebrate World of Work Week! Thank you to all the incredible people who came in and spoke to all the classes. Here is a small selection of photos showing what we got up to!

Important PJ Club Information

As we approach half term, our head girl would like to thank all children who attended the Tuesday PJ club. A decision has been made not to continue with this after half term as we know how busy both staff and children will be preparing for the Christmas period. Discussions will be made to start … Read more

World of work week.

We had visitors form the police, the fire service, Wrexham football bus and Mrs Griffiths talked about her career in the bank. Great to see the children asking such sensible questions about careers. 


We had fun during electricity week making circuits.

Eco Litter Pick

Our new Eco Council went on their first litter pick today…lots of litter collected and registered with Keep Wales Tidy.

Office Closed Monday 24th October

Good Morning, The school office will be closed today. If there is a problem please phone school and leave a message, Mrs Priest Jones will be in touch. All late pupils are to come round to their classroom doors today. Many Thanks.