Baby news

Dear parents and carers, I am delighted to inform you that Miss Cerrie Davies (Year 2) teacher has given birth to a very healthy and beautiful 7IB 8oz baby boy. Miss Davies is tired but overjoyed at the new arrival. We wish her all the luck in the world. We know she is going to … Read more

January arrangements

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, I am sure many of you will have heard the news regarding the opening of schools after Christmas. We have been told that schools will not re-open until the 10th January. I have an emergency meeting this afternoon with the local authority and will hopefully be in a better place … Read more


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YEAR5 & 6: Welsh play

We had a great visitor who taught us about Owain Glyndwr through a play.

School Photographs

School Photographs will be collected by Tempest next Wednesday 8th December between 8.30am – 4pm.  If you still need to send your order in please bring it into school on Tuesday at the latest. Also a reminder that school is closed next Monday 6th December, this is an extra bank holiday for the Queen’s Jubilee. … Read more

School Closed Monday 6th December

Just a reminder that school is closed on Monday 6th December, this is an extra bank holiday for the Queen’s Jubilee. Thank you Sent from Mail for Windows