Year 5: Class poster

We made a ‘unity’ poster as a class . We are very impressed with the result of working together .

Year 5: Charity morning.

This morning we had a charity morning to raise money for children suffering in the war currently in Ethiopia.  We raised over £100!! Amazing. And we had lots of fun playing games. 

Children In Need Non-Uniform Day

On Friday 19th we are inviting the children to come in their own clothes to help with the Children In Need fundraising appeal. We ask that children bring in £1 to wear non-uniform and we will then send all money to this worthwhile cause. Many thanks for your support.

Year 5: Anti-hate crime workshop

On Friday, year 5 took part in an anti-hate crime workshop. They looked at how to tackle different forms of discrimination.

Reception: World of Work Week

This week in school we are learning all about different jobs. Miss Davies has lots of surprise visitors coming to visit us and talk about their jobs. This morning Miss Davies’ friend came in with the Wrexham Football Club Team Bus and talked to us about what it is like to drive a bus. Then … Read more

Year 5: Roast dinner

In class 5 we were busy yesterday making a roast dinner. We peeled, chopped and cooked a roast dinner. It was delicious. Some pupils even helped wash up. I hope they now use these skills at home to help parents . 

Breakfast Club

IMPORTANT: Children must be booked in on parent pay before they come to breakfast club, even children coming in after 8.20am. With the new system now up and running, we are able to check off the children as they arrive. Children will not be accepted into breakfast club if they have not been booked in. … Read more