Design Christmas Jumper

Just a reminder if your child is designing their own Christmas Jumper, please send order form, picture and payment to school by Monday Morning so they are ready to be collected. Thank You

Tempest Photographs

Just a reminder if you wanted to order any of your child’s photographs the last date for online orders is 29th November.  We are aware there has been a problem finding your photo on their website, however this has now been rectified and you are now able to place your orders.   Thank You

TU shoe box appeal

Good morning, a very big thank you to all the families that have contributed to the shoe box appeal this year. The boxes will be collected by the charity on Monday 23rd November, so if you still have a box at home please can you get it into school tomorrow? Thank you again. You are … Read more

Tempest School Pictures

As you know children had their school pictures taken this morning. This year Tempest have asked that you order and pay for your photos online. If you really can’t, there are some envelopes in school to pay in cash. If you have a problem ordering online please see your class teacher.  Thank you 

Year 5:Museum visit

We had a visitor from Wrexham Museum to show and share lots of original artefacts from the war. 

TU shoe box appeal

Good afternoon, We have received leaflets and empty boxes for the Christmas shoe box appeal. If you would like to participate this year, please can you email us on or let your child’s class teacher know via Seesaw. We will then send you the information and an empty box for you to fill. It … Read more

Water bottles

Good morning, it’s really important that our children are hydrated through the day however in class children should only have access to water in their bottles and not juices or fizzy pop. If your child has a packed lunch they are able to bring an additional drink of juice but again no fizzy drinks please. … Read more

Remembrance – Poppy Appeal

Good morning, The Poppies have been delivered by the British Legion. I have set a timetable so that every class gets the opportunity to buy a poppy. We do not have rulers and other stationary this time. If you would like to donate to the appeal, the days your children need to bring money in … Read more