Absence – URGENT

It is very important that you notify usif your child is not able to attend school. I have checked registers this morning and there are lots of missing marks because parents aren’t informing us. I complete a report for child services each day, so it’s important we know your circumstances or I will be requesting visits … Read more

Half term

Dear Parents and Carers, due to the current situation and firebreak lockdown I have asked all teaching staff to make themselves available early every evening to communicate with parents if they have been any changes in school or in the family bubbles. If your child or a family member have symptoms or is tested positive for … Read more


Whole School Letter: October Half Term Letter to parents Sent from Mail for Windows 10 October-Half-Term-Letter-To-Parents.pdf

Information for parents

Good afternoon, some of you may have already heard the news and will now be preparing for another short lockdown starting at 6pm this Friday 23rd October. School will close this Thursday 22nd October as it is a teacher training day but we will re-open for ALL children on Monday 2nd November. Please be mindful of … Read more

own clothes day

A reminder that it is own clothes day tomorrow. Please remember your donation to Cafod and the Food bank (£1  – no food this time). Thank you.

Own Clothes day

Good afternoon,  It’s a difficult time for so many including charities supporting those in need. We normally support Cafod and the Food Bank this time of year through our Harvest celebrations and food collections, but we are unable to this year due to the current situation.  For this reason, I would like to invite all … Read more

URGENT – Carpark Reminder

Parents and Guardians, ANOTHER reminder that parents and carers should not be accessing the school car park. Yet again, there have been some near misses where children have could have been hit by cars. There will be cones preventing any access to the carpark from 3pm today. If you are in the carpark you will … Read more