Free school Meals

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, If your child/children are entitled to Free school meals, you can collect from the following places during the week:Caia Park Estate office Gwersyllt Estates office Rhos Estates office (Stiwt)Memo Hall WrexhamPlas Pentwyn CoedpoethLlay Resource CentreOverton Library (Cocoa Rooms)Ysgol Y Waen Chirk You can go to the nearest site. Packed lunches … Read more

Care and Support

Dear Parents and Carers, School will continue to provide care and support for key workers and looked after children next week however I would appreciate it, if you could let us know the day/s your child/children need the provision so that I can organise staffing. If you can ring Mrs Thomas in the office by … Read more

Year 5 parents

A message from Mrs Nicholls. “I am concerned that only a few children in Year 5 have accessed online learning. Please can you remind your children to check their emails where instructions for online learning can be found. I can help with anything you need. Thank you.”

Important Message ****

Good morning. These are very difficult and worrying times and we need to pull together. Please, please can you make sure that you keep your children in. I have heard that children are STILL going out to play and calling for friends. This is not a holiday! Children should only be out for a walk and … Read more


Please only send your child into school next week if you have NO OTHER OPTION for child care.  Government advice recommends children stay at home whenever possible. You will be asked to complete a form regarding your place of work for approval.  Thank you 

School update – Care and support

Good morning, school will be open for the next 2 weeks from 8am -3.15pm to the children of parents who are employed by the NHS, Education staff who work in schools and settings, Emergency service officers eg police/fire, Social care workers including those who work with the elderly, supermarket delivery drivers, prison and probabation officers. … Read more

Uniform sale

Uniform sale in the after school club cabin Friday 3pm till3.30pm 

School closures

Dear Parents and Carers, as we are closing tomorrow I need to ensure that as a school we have the correct details for you all, so we can keep you informed of any developments at school. If you have changed your mobile number recently have you given it to us? Please ensure you pass this information … Read more


Unfortunately we have had to cancel football today.  Could you please collect your child at the normal time 3.15pm Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank You

School Closure

Good afternoon, I am sure many of you have already heard that schools are to close on Friday 20th March at 3.15pm. It is very important however that if your child is well enough he/she attends tomorrow and Friday as teachers will be going through online learning with them that will need to be completed … Read more