After School Clubs

A reminder that all After school clubs start this week with all clubs finishing at 4p.m. Diolch.

Music Lessons

If your child is interested in taking music lessons, reply slips need to be sent to school by Wednesday 26th September 2018. Unfortunately, at the moment there is not enough interest which will mean the cost increases per child interested or we will not be able to receive Music support this year. We need 8 children per … Read more

Ground work

Good afternoon, Please be carefully entering and leaving the school grounds as we are having fences and a new path way. Hopefully it will be finished by Tuesday p.m. Thank you


Good morning, please check your child’s bags this afternoon as a letter is going out today with important dates for your diaries. There will be one letter per family, so the eldest child will receive a copy for you. Thank you.

St Joseph’s Open Evening

There will be an open evening at St Joseph’s next Monday 24th September from 5.30pm – 7.30pm for all Year 6 pupils and their parents/carers that are looking at applying to the school.

Parent App

Good morning, We are well into our routine back at school now. Very pleased with how smart all our children are looking too. The Parent Council are meeting next Tuesday to discuss ways forward. They are interested to find out how many parents use our parent app, particularly with it costing the school so much … Read more

School Report slips

If you haven’t already returned your child’s report slip to acknowledge that you have read the report, there is still time to hand it to staff at the end of the day. Thank you. Have a lovely holiday. We will see you back on Tuesday 4th September 2018.

Nursery/Reception Meeting

There will be a parents meeting on Monday 16th July for children due to start Nursery or Reception in September 2018. Please do your best to attend. You will hear more about the school day and have the opportunity to ask any questions. Thank you.

Sharing our stories – a celebration

There are still tickets available for tomorrow evenings ‘Sharing our Stories’ celebration. It would be lovely to see families supporting this event. Please complete the slip attached to the letter that went out on Monday if you would like tickets.