
Just to inform parents that there will be NO after school clubs on Tuesday as we have changed our staff meeting day. Sorry for any inconvenience. Enjoy your bank holiday. See you all on Tuesday 8th.

Nant BH

There will be a meeting held in the school hall TODAY at 3.30pm for parents of children attending the Nant BH residential this year. A letter was sent out last week but some children have not taken them home.

Phone lines

  The school landline is now working. Please use this to ring school now rather than the mobile as we will not be checking messages on this phone now. It will only be used for school trips and other emergencies. Thank you.

Scarlett Fever

I have been informed this morning that a child in school has been infected with Scarlett Fever. Please look for signs of a rash (looks like nettle sting), a sore throat and diarrhoea. You must inform your doctor so that he/she can receive medication and then inform the school. Thank you.

Year 3’s Assembly

Year 3 are leading an assembly this Friday 20th April at 9.10am. You are all very welcome to attend.

School mobile number

Good morning, we have now a school mobile as we may be waiting weeks before our landline is reconnected. The number is 07923461963. Please use the number to ring us if your child is not well or for emergency purposes. Thank you Mrs Priest-Jones

Phone Lines

Unfortunately, the schools phone lines are down. There is an engineer working on the problem but we may be without a phone for the rest of this week. If there are any concerns, please email us at or send a message via class dojo’s. Thank you.

Bingo Total

Last weeks Bingo raised a total of £289.10. Thank you to the Friends of St Anne’s for organising it all and to those families that were able to attend. I hope we will be able to hold another event during the summer term.

Parent Governor

We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. If you are interested or would like to know more about this role, please come in for a chat this week. Thank you.

Thank you

A big thank you to all of the families that attended last nights Bingo. I will let you know how much we raised next week!