Break the Rules Day! Thursday 26th October

We are holding a Break the Rules Day to raise funds for school on Thursday 26th October. The idea is that children do the opposite of the 10 chosen rules. E.g.

  1. No crazy hair styles/ colours = have a crazy hair day!
  2. Only wear school uniform = wear what you like!
  3. Healthy snacks only – for one day only you can bring in chocolate, sweets etc
  4. Water only in water bottles = for one day only you can have juice etc
  5. No extra play time = extra play time that day
  6. Puddings must be eaten second = can eat their pudding before their dinner
  7. No nail varnish = wear bright nail varnish
  8. No temporary tattoos = have a temporary tattoo
  9. No make up/face paint = come in made up or with your face painted.
  10. No earrings = you can wear your earrings today!

For every rule you want to break you must pay 50p, so if you break 2 rules you pay £1, 5 rules = £2.50 0r all 10 rules = £5.

I will send a form home nearer the day to tick which rules are breaking and how much you need to pay!

Thank you