Holy Communion

Canon has asked us to share this information with parents of children in Years 3 to 6.

Dates for your Diary

Just a little update of some important dates this half term We will be celebrating Harvest the week beginning 9th October and ask that children bring in a donation for the food bank. e.g. tinned vegetables. 10th October – we will be celebrating ‘Hello Yellow’ day for World Mental Health Day. Please can the children … Read more

Car parks

Dear parents and carers, I know that parking before and after school is particularly difficult, however parents must not park in either school car park. I was concerned this morning that 4 cars were not even parked in spaces but in the middle of the car park so there was no access for school staff … Read more

Outdoor play equipment

The outdoor play equipment on the small yard has been taped off because parts of it are unsafe. Please keep your children off the equipment in case they have an accident. Thank you. 

Thank you

A big thank you to Harrison and Sienna Prince for helping their mum and Grandad to tidy our pond area. We are extremely grateful for all of your hard work and kindness that you have shown our lovely school community. 

September Return to School 2023

We hope you have all had a lovely summer break and are refreshed and looking forward to coming back to start the new term. May we remind you that Friday September 1st  is a training day for staff and the school is NOT open to pupils on this day. All year groups return to school … Read more