Thank you

Dear Parents and Carers, this week has gone very well with so many children returning to school. All the children look very smart in their uniforms and have now got into a good routine. Thank you to yourselves for following social distancing rules on the school premises and for getting your children to school at … Read more

Free School Meals

Dear Parents, if you are applying for Free School Meals your child/children could you please send your completed form direct to Wrexham County Council. Thank You

Term Dates

St Anne’s Catholic Primary School – Term Dates 2020-2021   Autumn Term   School Opens-Tuesday 1st September 2020 School Closes – Thursday 22nd October 2020 School Opens- Monday 2nd November 2020 School Closes – Thursday 17th December 2020 Spring Term   School Opens- Tuesday 5th January 2021 School Closes – Friday 12th February 20201 School … Read more

Free School Meals

Just a reminder for parents/carers – If your child is eligible for free school meals, please remember you will need to send money in for your child’s meals this week due to receiving payments over the holidays.  From Monday 14th September everything will be back to normal for children who are eligible for school meals.  … Read more

Welcome back

Good morning Parents and Carers, It’s been lovely to see our first group of Nursery and Reception children starting to settle into the new school routine and we are looking forward to inviting other year group bubbles into school from Monday 7th September. ALL children will be be expected to return to school from Monday 14th September. Your … Read more

Update on staggered start for KS2

Year 3 start at 9.10 pick up at 3.05 Year 4 start at 9.00 pick up at 3.15  Year 5 start 9.05 pick up at 3.10  Year 6 start 9.05 (NB infant yard) pick up at 3.15 

School Dinner Money

Until further notice you will not be able to come in and pay your dinner money onto the machine in the office area. For now we are asking that money is sent in with your child in a sealed envelope, clearly labelled with your child’s first name, surname and class. We will then make sure … Read more

Free School Meals

If your child receives Free School Meals you will have received payment up until the 14th September. If you child has a school meal before the 14th September, you will need to send in the money to school with your child to pay for it. From September 14th you will no longer need to send … Read more

Breakfast Club

If your child accesses Breakfast Club, please read the following information.  Breakfast club opens at 8am, if your child arrives between 8.00 and 8.20am they MUST pay £1 on arrival. If your child arrives between 8.20 and 8.40 they do not need to pay. Doors close promptly at 8.40am and NO one will be accepted … Read more

Important Information September 2020

Good Afternoon,  Please find below some information about changes in school for this term:  1. Children can bring in their own lunch boxes again but please make sure these are cleaned and sanitised each night ready for the next day.  2. ALL children will need to bring in a healthy snack for play time. We … Read more