School update

Good morning, Kirsty Williams (Education Minister for Wales) will be making an announcement at 12.30pm today regarding the reopening of schools in Wales. I have a meeting with the schools challenge advisor tomorrow and with the local authority on Friday morning. Once the governors and I have made decisions about the reopening of St Anne’s the … Read more

Year 5 and 6 Residential Update

Mrs Priest-Jones has received update on the  Year 5/6 residential scheduled for next month. Please head to the home page of the school website to find out more. A link to a letter from Mrs Priest-Jones can be found here. 

Half term

Good morning, I hope you are all safe and well. Just to remind you all that it is the last day for distance learning today for a weeks break as we would normally be finishing  for our half term holiday. How times have changed! Staff will continue to provide care and support for key workers … Read more

End of Year reports

Good morning, I hope you are all safe and well. Staff and I are busy writing school reports. This year all reports will be emailed to parents. If however you do not have an email address, the report will be posted or you can collect from school before the end of the summer term. Just … Read more

Music Lessons

If your child normally has music lessons in school and you would like them to continue lessons at home they are able to access online lessons with the Music Co-Op who come into school. If you would like your child to carry on with online lessons please go to the Music Co-Op website and register … Read more

Special Message

Mrs Priest-Jones and all the staff at St Anne’s want to send a special message to all the children and their families. 💙💙🌈🌈We miss you all so much and are looking forward to seeing you all when it is safe to be together again 💙💙🌈🌈


The children and staff in school today would like to say a huge thank you to all the keyworkers. We think you’re amazing! And what a brilliant sign they made with the help of Mrs Stephens, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Sales!!

School dinners

Good morning, hot dinners will now be available in school each day if your child/children is attending for care and support. Unless you are entitled to free school meals, dinners must be paid for each day. Please ensure your child is in school by 9.30am so that the cook can prepare. Thank you.

Free School Meals Update

Good afternoon,  We have received an update on Free School Meals from the Local Authority. Please check the school website homepage for all the up to date information. 

Next term

Good afternoon, I hope you are all safe and well and you have managed to have a lovely Easter weekend. As you have heard, lockdown will continue for another 3 weeks and there has been no official date for when schools reopen for all children. For that reason, distance learning will start again on Monday. … Read more