
Dear Parents and Carers, We have been made aware this morning of an incident that took place outside school at the end of the day yesterday. Thankyou to those parents that have been into school today to report details of what happened. We would like to reassure you all that the safety of our children … Read more

DOGS – urgent message

Good afternoon, A reminder that there should be no dogs entering school grounds even if they are on a lead. If you are standing outside school grounds, and your dog is difficult please take extra care around the children and keep them under control.  Thank you Mrs Priest-Jones

Year 6 Cake Sale Postponed

The Year 6 coffee and cake sale on 22nd November is postponed until further notice. Thank you

Dates for the diary

Important Dates over the next few weeks, but please also check the calendar for other Christmas events taking place, such as the Christmas Concerts. November Events Tuesday 21st November – Eco ‘Green’ Day – children to come to school wearing green. Friday 24th November – Non Uniform Day – please bring a ‘fine’ of a … Read more

Tempest Photography

Tempest Photography will be in school this Friday morning 17th November taking photographs of the children and their siblings. They will be starting at 9am with families. If you prefer for your child not to have their picture taken could you please send in a letter to confirm this or tell the class teacher. Thank You

Clwb Cwtsh


Year 6: Help the heroes

We had a small class raffle to raise money for this fantastic charity and raised £51! Thank you for all the support. 

Year 4 Assembly

Just a reminder that at 2.45 today it is Class 4’s assembly. It would be great to see the parents of class 4 there.

Year 6: CPR training

Today we had training on how to save lives and address burns and cuts. 

Break the Rules Day!

What a fantastic day! We have had great fun breaking the rules and raised £365 for school! Thank you for your support!