Dear Parents and Carers,
You might have seen that there is a war in Ukraine. As a class we are going to have a sale to raise money for the people in Ukraine.
We will be selling ice pops, lemonade and tie dye T-shirts. The T-shirts will be in yellow and blue, the colours of the Ukraine flag. The sale will be next Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th April at snack time and lunchtime. The ice-pops and lemonade will cost from 20p – 50p. The T-shirts will cost £3.50 for small sizes and £4.50 for bigger sizes. You can bring your own T-shirt to school for us to tie- dye for £1 less.
You will need to order your T-shirt with the money by Monday 4th April. We will send an order form home with your child.
Please help us to help other people who are less fortunate than us.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Class 4