
Today we collected all the vegetables that we have grown on the school allotment. 

Foundation Phase Sports Day

Due to today’s weather, tomorrows forecast and the condition of the field, we have decided to postpone sports day until Friday morning. Fingers crossed the weather improves!

Foundation Phase Sports Day

We will be making a decision about weather to go ahead with the FP Sports Day by 8.15am tomorrow. This is due to the weather forecast. Please keep an eye on the school app and seesaw for further updates. Many Thanks St Anne’s Staff

Pet Blessing

Last week Canon Zbigniew came in to bless our school pets. The children took an active part in the liturgy and were happy to welcome Pip, Nugget, Tarian and Year 4/5’s shrimps.

KS2 movie night

Pupils enjoying a movie in the hall with lots of food and drink!

Key Stage 2 Sports Day

As you have seen, Years 3 to 6 will be going to Queensway for their Sports Day this year on Wednesday 5th July. Children will be taking their lunch with them. Please make sure you order a packed lunch n Parent Pay by this Friday as the cook needs to order in the correct supplies. … Read more

Sports Day

Sports-Day-letter-2023-KS2.pdf Sports-Day-letter-2023-FP.pdf

School Council

Some members today painted our school benches. We had fun!

Wales In Bloom 2023

Would you like to take part in this years Wales in Bloom. Please see the attached flyer with full details of how to enter. Wales-In-Bloom.pdf