Coronation Lunch

Please find attached a poster from the Catering Service, relating to the special menu in celebration of the King’s Coronation on 5th May. Kings-Coronation-Lunch.pdf

STEM workshop class 5/6

Class 5 had a visit from a Science and Technology Drama group. A real hands-on fun morning of learning. We had work to do after it and they are coming back for a second visit soon. 

School council

Some members of the school council visited St Joeseph’s today to work with their school council on a transition project. the children enjoyed seeing the school and being a part of this. 

Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)

At St Anne’s we realise the importance of every child’s wellbeing and emotional needs being met. We have recently been able to facilitate 2 members of staff to train as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. (ELSA) They will now be running 6-week courses for those pupils we identify as needing additional support in the areas of … Read more

Welcome back

Good morning parents and carers, I hope you had a wonderful Easter break. It’s lovely to see your children today although it’s a shock to the system for many including the staff 🙂 Can I take this opportunity to thank those of you who came to Show and Share day before the holiday. 93 out … Read more

Boxing awards

Nigel has been coming into school to teach boxing skills with some pupils for many weeks. He teaches discipline , fitness, confidence and growth mindset skills. These children all passed the course and have a medal and certificate. Well done to all of you!    Boxing-awards.docx

Show and Share day

If you haven’t already booked your place for tomorrow’s Show and Share day, please contact your child’s class teacher. It’s a great opportunity to sit with your child/children and go through what they’ve been doing in school so far in an informal way. Thanks to those of you who have already committed. See you tomorrow. … Read more

Show and Share day

Good morning, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Just a reminder that Show and Share day is taking place on Thursday. Please see letter on the school website. The last time for an appointment is 5pm and NOT 6pm as previously stated. Please confirm a time with your child’s class teacher via seesaw … Read more

School council

Our new school benches are here, paid for by the school council. Children are already enjoying using them.