Celebrating Mary

Yesterday we came together as a school to celebrate Mary, the Mother of God. Canon Zbigniew joined us to reflect on the Gospel before we laid flowers at our special altar for Mary. Thank you for your support in sending flowers in, it made the day really special.

Community Day

Due to the awful weather forecast for tomorrow we have made the decision to postpone our Community Day until after half term. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank all of those that had put their names down to help.  We will let you know the new planned date after the holiday. Many … Read more

This weeks events!

Before we finish for half term we have a very busy week! Tuesday – Key Stage 2 Movie Night! Wednesday – Our Community Day – if you are able to spare even half an hour, we would love to see you. We have a jobs to suit everyone! Thursday –         Procession for Mary (Please bring … Read more

Procession for Mary, Mother of Jesus

On Thursday 23rd May we will be celebrating the Month of Mary as a whole school. We will be taking part in a school procession to honour Mary, the mother of Jesus, before placing flowers at a special altar and holding a special collective worship together. It would be wonderful if all children could bring … Read more

Diary Dates

Please check out the calendar for new diary dates. We will add Key Stage 2 Sports Day as soon as we hear back from Queensway. Thank you

Scooters and bikes

Bore da, There are several children riding around the school yards on bikes or scooters. Once your children arrive at the school site, they must not ride them. It’s only going to cause an accident, however minor.  I will be monitoring the situation now until further notice. Diolch  Mrs Priest-Jones

Show and Share day

P’nawn da,  A great big thank you to those of you who made it to Show and Share Day today. It was a great turn out! I know the children have loved sharing their work with parents, grandparents or carers.  If you have completed the form and asked to speak separately to your child’s class … Read more