Thursday 21st October/Dydd Iau Hydref 21

Good afternoon Parents and Carers,  We will be celebrating Diwrnod Su’mae on Thursday 21st October. This is a day to encourage people across Wales to speak Welsh and to embrace the Welsh culture. We are asking the children to come to school dressed in the Welsh colours – coch, gwyn a gwyrdd and we will be … Read more

Next Friday

Good morning, a reminder that next Friday 22nd October is a staff training day so school will be CLOSED to all pupils. School will resume after the half term holiday on Monday 1st November. Thank you. Mrs Priest-Jones


Good morning, please can I remind you that if your child has to stay off school due to an illness or suspected covid that you notify the school as soon as possible 01978 261623. I am working through every class register this morning and I am concerned that there are lots of unnecessary missing marks … Read more


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Year 5: events

What a busy month! So far we have celebrated Roald Dahl Day, International Peace Day, Gresford memorial anniversary and held a McMillan coffee morning.