Non-Uniform day

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, this Friday is our final day before the summer holiday so I am allowing all children to come to school in their own clothes. (You don’t NOT need to send in any money). Thank you, Mrs Priest-Jones

Co-op Opening

We were very lucky to be invited to open the new Co-op on Prince Charles Road this morning. We are very proud of Cade, Olaf, Lena and Brianna who represented St Anne’s wonderfully. They are now local celebrities.

Summer Fayre

Just a reminder that the Summer Fayre is on Monday and that it is for the children only this year. Each class have made something for the children to buy but on the day there will also be some stalls and games for the children to go out and play. They will need some spending … Read more

Summer Raffle

We are Raffling a picnic bundle, tickets are £1 each. Please send the money into school in an envelope. The raffle will be drawn on Friday 16th July. All proceeds will be spent on your children. Thank you.

Face masks

Good afternoon, I have noticed many parents walking past my office this afternoon NOT wearing a face mask. Can I remind you that when you pick up your child/children and bring them to school in the morning you must wear a mask unless you are exempt (you should be able to prove this status). We … Read more

Eco Council: Litter Pick

Today the Eco Council went on a community litter pick with Mrs Blackwell and Mrs Griffiths. Well done!

St Anne’s is OPEN!

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, I am sending this message to confirm that St Anne’s is OPEN and will stay open until the end of the summer term unless we have any cases of covid. I am glad this has been brought to my attention as I certainly do not want children missing school because … Read more

Isolation – due to covid

If you have children in secondary school that have been sent home to isolate due to bubble closure they should NOT be bringing younger siblings to St Anne’s. You are putting other families at risk and this is not fair. Follow government guidance and keep your children at home, even if they’re not showing symptoms. … Read more


Good afternoon, unfortunately we have been informed that transition for Year 5 pupils moving to high school will not be going ahead due to the levels of covid cases rising in some schools and in some communities. We will also not be able to invite new nursery pupils and parents in to school for the … Read more