Phone lines

The school phone lines are still down. If it is an urgent matter, please email or pop into school. Thank you.

Year 5 Swimming

Just a reminder that year 5 are swimming until Easter. Please remember your kit tomorrow. 

Glan Llyn

We have had a fabulous time and the children went to bed by 11 last night, not getting up until gone 7 this morning. We are aiming to be back in school at 2.30pm this afternoon and you are welcome to collect your child from Year 4 then. Please do not take your child straight … Read more

Show and Share Day

Thank you to all the parents and carers that joined us during Show and Share Day. It was lovely to see how excited and animated the children were when they were sharing their work. Thank you for all your comments too on the forms. If you have requested an additional parent’s evening, teachers will be … Read more

Glan Llyn

We arrived safely earlier today and have so far enjoyed a yummy lunch, been orienteering and canoeing, Miss Davies’ canoe won the race! Now we are having fun bowling before dinner and settling down for the night. See you all tomorrow.  Miss Davies  Get Outlook for iOS

Show and Share day

A reminder that Show and Share day is tomorrow. If you haven’t completed the form sent home last week, please complete it and return to school in the morning or speak to your child’s class teacher; to ensure your child’s books are ready for you to see. Thank you.

Year 5: Indian cooking

As part of our topic we enjoyed making Indian curry and BomBay potatoes! They were delicious!

Year 5 and 6: Pc Ellis visit

PC Ellis came to talk about cyber safety. I hope all the children remember what she said to keep safe.


There is a letter coming home with childen after school today.


There will be no choir on Tuesday next week, thank you for your understanding.  Mrs Stephens.  Get Outlook for iOS