Christmas dinner

A reminder that it is Christmas dinner tomorrow. Children are welcome to dress as elves or wear their Christmas jumpers to school. Diolch.

Whole school: Dogs Trust visit

Yesterday we enjoyed a visit form the Dogs Trust. Every class got the chance to learn how we should care for dogs and how they should e cared for. Very interesting sessions!

Cake sale

Tomorrow Mrs Blackwell will be selling cakes left over from the Christmas Fayre at playtime. If you would like to buy any please bring in your money.  Get Outlook for iOS

Football Club

Just a reminder that due to the Christmas Fayre this Thursday there will be no football club after school.  Miss Davies and George   Get Outlook for iOS

Tickets for Nursery to Year 4 Christmas Concert

This year the children from Nursery to Year 4 are performing their Christmas concert. The concert dates are as follows:  Monday 9th December at 2pm  Tuesday 10th December at 10am  Wednesday 11th December at 10am  Tickets will be on sale from tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd December and will cost £1. To make the system fair every … Read more

Non Uniform day

Bore da, this Friday is a Non Uniform day to prepare for the Christmas Fayre. If you would like your child to come into school in their own clothes he/she must bring in either a bottle for the bottle stall or a £1 contribution. It is sad that often children are sent into school in … Read more

Year 1

Just a reminder that all children need to bring in a glass jar by tomorrow if they have not already. Thank you to the 8 children who have already done so.  Miss Davies  Get Outlook for iOS

year5: Fundraising

Today we made £56 for help the heroes! Thank you to all the people who brought in money for this worthwhile cause.

Netball ** Cancelled

Unfortunately due to a Head teachers meeting in Buckley, Netball tomorrow is cancelled. Thank you.

Year 1 Afternoon Tea

Thank you to all the grown ups who supported our Remembrance Afternoon Tea. We had a lovely afternoon and raised £46 for the Royal British Legion.