Cake Sale

Tomorrow, Tuesday 9th July, Nursery and Reception will be holding a cake sale in the hall for all children to help raise money for Blood Bikes who provide an important courier service for the local hospitals. Cakes will range in price, from 20p to 50p. Please support us by buying our cakes tomorrow playtime. Miss … Read more


Just a reminder that there will be no more choir now until September. Many Thanks Mrs Stephens

Nursery Parents

I would just like to say a big thank you to all the Nursery parents, aunties and Nana’s who have given up their time over the past week to help the children in Nursery and Reception develop the outdoor area. We couldn’t have done it without you and Mrs Kosinska.  THANK YOU!  Miss Davies  Get … Read more

Year 5: Eisteddofod

G Nicholls (St Annes Catholic Primary School) has shared OneDrive for Business files with you. To view them, click the links below. IMG_0627 – Copy.JPG IMG_0629 – Copy.JPG IMG_0631 – Copy.JPG IMG_0638.JPG IMG_0640.JPG IMG_0642.JPG IMG_0644.JPG IMG_0647.JPG A fun day looking at lots of cultures. Great experiences of drumming, dancing and singing!


There will be no choir after school this week.  Many thanks  Mrs Stephens  Get Outlook for iOS

Key Stage 2 Sports Day

Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to cancel the Key Stage 2 sports day. We will try our best to rearrange it for the last 2 weeks if possible.  Yours truly  Miss Davies  Get Outlook for iOS

After school football club

Due to the Summer Fayre this afternoon, today’s afterschool football club is cancelled. Look forward to seeing you all at the Fayre later from 2pm.

Race for Life

Now that all the children have run the Race for Life please can you collect and return sponsor money by Friday.  Many thanks Mrs O’Hagan  Get Outlook for iOS

Transition morning and Summer Fayre

Children will move to their new classes tomorrow after they are registered in the morning. Please line them up as normal. The Summer Fayre will start at 2pm tomorrow. Please do your best to support. The children have been very busy making craft to sell on their class stalls. See you tomorrow. Hopefully it won’t … Read more