Dear parents and carers,
In the New Year the senior management team and the governors will be closely monitoring attendance and school uniform. We have noticed over the last couple of months that many children are coming into school in trainers and tracksuits. This is only acceptable on PE days. Please can you ensure that your child/children are dressed appropriately for school. This includes shoes and NOT trainers. Trousers/skirts and not leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
School attendance is also poor at the moment. We appreciate that if your child is poorly you will need to keep him/her off school, however there are instances where children are not coming into school with no reason for absence. Absence will be closely monitored which may result in visits from the attendance officer to your home and further action being taken. Please ensure your child is in school on time each day but if unwell you contact school with a reason for absence.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Priest-Jones and Mrs Stephens.