Class5/6: World Numeracy Day

We completed an online adobe creator course about shapes. Some of our work was shown live online!

Scooters and bikes

Dear parents and carers, For safety reasons, please can children and adults NOT ride bikes and scooters onto school property. We have had near misses over the last couple of weeks and I am concerned that someone is going to get very hurt.  Thank  you Mrs Priest-Jones

School website updates

Over the next few weeks, we will be making significant changes and updates to the website. Please bear with us as we work on this. Many Thanks.

Community Day

A huge thank you to everyone who came and helped at the community day, we had a great turn out and your hard work is greatly appreciated. The school is looking fantastic.

Coronation celebrations

Good afternoon, A reminder that we will be celebrating the King’s coronation tomorrow so all children are invited to come into school wearing red, white and blue. Classes will have their own parties and we will also have other events will take place throughout the day. Thank you Mrs Priest-Jones

Big Lent Walk

A huge thank you to everyone who took part, sponsored a child, or donated to the Big Lent Walk event on Friday 31st March. As a school we raised a whooping £483. All money raised has been sent to Cafod and will help to support families with the skills and tools they’ve asked for to … Read more

Coronation Lunch

Please find attached a poster from the Catering Service, relating to the special menu in celebration of the King’s Coronation on 5th May. Kings-Coronation-Lunch.pdf