Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus!

Today we celebrated Dydd Santes Dwynwen in school. Here are just a few things we got up to! Year 4/5 created Santes Dwynwen hearts in the style of Kandinsky and Reception made Dydd Santes Dwynwen cards for all the staff.

Teacher Strike

Good morning, As you are aware from the news there is a teachers strike scheduled for  next Wednesday 1st February. Later today, I will inform you whether your child’s class is closed for the day. Thank you for your patience. Mrs Priest-Jones

After school clubs

Dear Parents and Carers, After school clubs apart from dance club will start again next week. Dance club will start back again this Thursday 12th January until 4pm for those that attended before Christmas. Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear to attend.  Thank you. Mrs Priest-Jones

Happy New Year

Good afternoon, Happy New Year! I know we are 9 days into 2023 but I hope you are all keeping well and had a lovely Christmas. The staff and I look forward to welcoming ALL the children back tomorrow.  If you need breakfast club, please ensure you book in via Parent pay. Similarly, if your … Read more


We would like to wish you all a Joyous Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. The children had a lovely end to the term by celebrating with carols around the wreath.

Thank you Friend’s of St Anne’s

A huge thank you to the Friend’s Anne’s for all the fantastic events they have put on this term, especially the free children’s raffle this morning! We loved it!