Key workers – Care and Support

Just to confirm that if you are a key worker, you can only send your children into school on the days that you are working and have no other arrangements for your children. Do not send children to school if you are at home! This was not the reason Care and Support was set up … Read more

Care and Support

Good morning, if your child is in school for care and support on a Thursday, please can you make sure that he/she is wearing suitable clothing for exercising as George our coach will continue to deliver sessions to each bubble. Thank you. Mrs Priest-Jones

School closure

Good afternoon, I hope you managed to have a nice weekend. We were notified of the extended dates for school closure at the same time as parents were last week which is why I haven’t been in touch sooner. Just to confirm however that we will remain closed until at least 29th January, with a … Read more

Care and Support/School closure

If you are a key worker and need care and support provision for your child/children next week, you will need to ring the office by 1pm today and provide proof of employment if you haven’t already done so . Only one parent has to be a key worker, however if there is a parent at … Read more

Seesaw/Google Classroom

Please make sure you are checking your child’s Seesaw and/or Google Classroom regularly as teachers are sending important messages daily. Thank you to all those who are already supporting their children with their learning.

Critical and Key Workers: Care and Support

Good evening, If you require the use of care and support for your child next week, you must book in with your class teacher or the school office by 12pm on Friday. Children can only attend if they have been booked in prior to attending. Care and support is only available to key workers/critical workers … Read more

Year 4

Just a reminder that all information and work is being put on your Google Classroom. Please make sure you check this regularly as it is important you do not miss out. Mrs Hughes will be in touch. Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Arrangments for January 2021

Good afternoon, Please can I direct you to an URGENT letter that has been posted onto our school websie. It contains very important information regarding the new term. You do not have to respond or act on the content of the letter until Monday 4th January. Enjoy the Christmas break and keep safe. Mrs Priest-Jones

Track and Trace over Christmas

Dear Parents As you know our schools will be closing for the Christmas period on the 18th December 2020.  During the Pandemic you have been asked to contact the schools directly should your child test positive for COVID 19. During the holiday period we understand that this will not be possible, however we do still … Read more

Covid symptoms

Good morning parents and Carers, Please can you ensure you contact your child’s class teacher via Seesaw or email if you or your children displays symptoms of Covid 19 over the next few days as I will need to contact the parents within the bubble and the local authority. After this weekend, you will … Read more