Class 7

Just a reminder that all Class 7 children will return to school on Thursday 3rd September.  Thank you 

Breakfast club

Good afternoon, I just wanted to inform you that Breakfast club will be available to pupils from 3rd September. Due to large numbers however we will have to split the group into 2 groups. Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 children will access Breakfast club in the cabin (Clwb ttp) and Year 4,5 … Read more

September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers, Kirsty Williams the Minister for Education in Wales has made a statement this lunchtime about plans for September. The intention will be that ALL pupils will return from at least 14th September with the first 2 weeks potentially left for planning and to integrate smaller groups of children. This will be … Read more

Thank you

It has been lovely to see children and parents this week. It’s been too long! The children have enjoyed being back and have adapted incredibly well to the new ‘normal’. Thank you to you parents for following instructions that have enabled staff and I to ensure your children are safe. Have a lovely weekend. We … Read more

Back to school

Good morning Parents and Carers, We are looking forward to seeing you next week. . Please refer to the letter from your child’s teacher to ensure you get the right day and time for your child/children’s bubbles. We don’t want it being a wasted journey. Staff will be on hand to show you through our … Read more

School re-opening

Good morning, many of you will have seen the news yesterday regarding schools in Wales opening for an extra week in the summer term. This has led to confusion for schools and to our original plans. The local authority have requested the opinions of all school staff by midday today so I hope a decision will … Read more

FAO Nursery parents

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, I have just received information from the local authority that schools are not expected to provide ‘check in and catchup’ days for Nursery children before the end of the summer term. Mrs Garnham will continue to provide distance learning for parents to access at home. The school will still provide … Read more

Urgent – information required

Good evening parents and carers, I have been notified by my staff that many parents have not yet responded to messages regarding the reopening of school on 29th June. You should be aware that we will not be chasing parents and any requests after tomorrow will not be accepted. There is a lot of planning involved over … Read more


Good Afternoon,  There has been a change in the date we must have a response to whether or not you will be sending your child back to school on the 29th June. The new date that we need your decision is 9.30am on TUESDAY 9th June. It is VERY IMPORTANT that we have this information … Read more

Schools Reopening Update

Good Morning,  Mr Ian Roberts, the Chief Officer Education and Early Intervention for Wrexham, has sent a us a letter to ALL parents and carers about the reopening of schools on June 29th. To read the letter please visit the school website homepage.  Thank you