Training day

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, I hope you and your family have been able to enjoy the Easter break. We have been blessed with some lovely weather! Just a reminder that Monday, school is only open to staff for training purposes. We look forward to seeing you and your children on Tuesday. Please keep your … Read more

Easter Egg Competition

Good morning, we had a lovely assembly over Zoom this morning. Stars of the week certificates have been given to children in each class and we announced the winners of the Easter egg competition. Well done to Logan (Year 6), Zuzanna (Year 4), Hayloe (Year 3), Osian (Reception), Jakoby (Nursery) and Jayden P (Year 1) … Read more

Easter Egg Competition

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful entries we have received this week. 77 of them!! It was very difficult for the judges. The winners will be revealed in our Zoom assembly in the morning. Mrs Priest-Jones

Parent Pay

We have had confirmation that school is going live with parent pay from tomorrow, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.  Could I please ask all parents to activate your parent pay accounts and book your child/children’s meals online.  Please go through the menu with your child so they know what they … Read more


Good morning, please can I ask that those of you driving into Fr Zbigniew’s car park have consideration for other people that are also using the car park. If there is no space, then I would not expect anyone to park in the middle of the carpark. It is causing lots of problems for many … Read more

Easter egg competition

Good morning, a quick reminder that if you are competing in the egg competition, please bring your entries into school by Thursday. Winners will be announced on Friday morning. Thank you. Have a lovely weekend. Keep safe. 

Parent Pay

Good morning, all schools in Wrexham are using a different payment system after Easter. A leaflet will be going home with every child tonight to explain how the system will work. Next week every parent will be given log in details to be able to set up an account. Dinners, breakfast club and trips will … Read more

Next week

Good afternoon, looking forward to seeing all our little people returning to school next week. Don’t forget to check your child’s start and finish times. Uniform is expected next week. I know that Tesco are open upstairs if you are short of any uniform. Don’t forget water bottles and to keep in contact with your … Read more