Thank you

A great turn out for the Foundation Phase concert over the last couple of days. The children were amazing! Thank you to those of you who were able to join some of the Year 6’s for coffee and biscuits. Your donations raised a fantastic £41.28 which the children are going to give to Cafod. It … Read more

Christmas dinner and christmas jumper day

Good afternoon, Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day is next Thursday 13th December. If you would like your child to have a Christmas dinner, please ensure that you have paid the money in full on the machine by 10am on the Thursday. If you don’t have a number for the dinner machine call in any time … Read more


Please take care collecting your children this afternoon as the Gas board are currently digging up the grounds in and near the school. For easy access to the school, Mr Thomas will open the green double gates at the front of the school. Thank you, Mrs Priest-Jones 

Tempest photography

Tempest photography will be collecting orders this Thursday, so if you would like to place and order with them, please ensure your money and order form is in by then. Thank you.

Dates for the diary

The Christmas Fayre will take place between 2pm and 4pm this Thursday. For this reason Fitness Club and Football club has been cancelled. The Foundation Phase Concert will take place on 11th December at 2pm and 12th December at 10am. A letter will be sent out shortly about how to buy your tickets. Thank you.

Year 6 : First aid training

St Johns ambulance came in today to work with year 6 and showed us how to give CPR and how to help someone if choking. We were also shown how to put people in the recovery position. Great skills for the children to have.

Year 6 : First aid training

St Johns ambulance came in today to work with year 6 and showed us how to give CPR and how to help someone if choking. We were also shown how to put people in the recovery position. Great skills for the children to have.

Shoe Box appeal

A reminder that tomorrow the shoe boxes will be collected by Teams4U. Thank you to all our families that have already contributed to such a worth while cause.

Year 5: Trip out

A fabulous day out again! Pond dipping, river walking, spy games, potato digging, co ordinate games, sand bag filling, code breaking, morse code and a whole lot of playing! Apologies for the dirty children going home but oh what fun they had!!

Year 5: Trip out

A fabulous day out again! Pond dipping, river walking, spy games, potato digging, co ordinate games, sand bag filling, code breaking, morse code and a whole lot of playing! Apologies for the dirty children going home but oh what fun they had!!