
Good morning, a very cold day and extremely icy. Please take extra care on the school site this morning. The paths have been treated with grit but some patches may still be slippery. Thank you.

Whole school: hearing dog visits for assembly

Today we had a special visitor in our assembly . Monty , a specially trained hearing dog , came with his owner Elizabeth . Elizabeth explained to us how having Monty has helped her life so much since she lost her hearing and has given her back her independence. The sign language group also signed … Read more

Whole school: hearing dog visits for assembly

Today we had a special visitor in our assembly . Monty , a specially trained hearing dog , came with his owner Elizabeth . Elizabeth explained to us how having Monty has helped her life so much since she lost her hearing and has given her back her independence. The sign language group also signed … Read more

Year 2 Assembly

Good morning, Year 2’s assembly will take place tomorrow morning at 9.10am. You are all very welcome to attend!

Year 5: Camp fire fun!

Due to rain putting us off having our camp fire in December the children got to enjoy one this afternoon. Hot chocolates and marshmallows!

Flute lessons

We have a space for a child from Year 3- Year 6 to have flute lessons. It is £4.50 per session (once per week). If you are interested, please speak to Mrs Thomas in the office. Thank you.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow for the start of another busy half term.

Non Uniform Day

There will a non uniform day tomorrow. There will be no charge! Please can you pass the message on to families that you know, don’t have access to this app. Thank you.

Year 5: Violinists

We had a lovey little show today form the violinist children playing Jingle bells.

Year 5: Key stage 2 delta pantomime.

KS2 had fun this morning watching the local dance school perform ‘The Greatest Showman’.  We got to cheer at the performers and shout at the panto horse! We ate cakes and were given sweets from Santa. We even had a dance to Christmas songs. A great morning out!