Non -Uniform Day

It is non-uniform day tomorrow. For a £1 donation, children can come to school in their own clothes. Money raised will go to Unicef! Thank you.

Year 5 Pumpkin farm.

We had a fantastic afternoon at the Pumpkin farm. We learnt lots about farming pumpkins and got to take our own home as well as some carrots! We also explored the maize maze which was fun.

Parents Evening

A reminder that Parents Evenings are scheduled for this afternoon (after 3.15pm) and tomorrow. If you haven’t booked an appointment with your child/children’s teacher, please do so at the end of the day. It is very important that all teaching staff meet with parents to discuss progress and next steps. Thank you.

Parent Governor

Good morning, There is a Parent Governor vacancy on the Governing body. If you are interested, I am very happy to discuss it with you and give you more information. Thank you.

Parents Evening

Parents Evenings will take place next Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd October. Please speak to your child’s class teacher about an appointment. Diolch.

Thank you

A big thank you for all of your donations for this years Harvest and also to those families that attended our Harvest Mass yesterday.


We are still looking for Harvest donations. Any tins, bags of sugar, tea bags etc. Thank you.

Friends of St Anne’s

There is a Friends of St Anne’s meeting this Wednesday at 2pm. It would be great to see some more parents getting involved in the fundraising for the school. All are welcome!

MacMillian Coffee Morning

Year 5 would like to remind you about the MacMillan coffee morning being held in school tomorrow from 10.30am. If you are unable to attend, please send some money in with your child so that he/she can buy a cake. Donations of cakes made or bought would also be gratefully received. Thank you!