URGENT – Attendance

Good morning I am very concerned that parents are not ringing school to notify us of any absence. This can lead to home visits by the local authority attendance officer which nobody wants. We monitor attendance daily and it is now becoming a cause for concern. Please contact school first thing in the morning, to … Read more

Junior Bingo

Just a reminder that we are holding our Junior Christmas Bingo on Monday 18th December. If your child has not brought their money and slip it is not too late. Please send the money in on Monday and your child’s class teacher will let the Friends of St Anne’s know they are attending. The cost is … Read more


Dear parents and carers, Another great turn out for the foundation phase Christmas concert. We hope you all enjoyed it. Unfortunately, tomorrow nights concert for our older children is sold out. We will only be able to admit parents and carers that have a ticket. For health and safety reasons, we are unable to allow … Read more

Christmas Performance

Dear parents and carers, Thank you to the parents and carers that joined us this afternoon for our KS2 Christmas performance. The children were so excited and were a credit to you all. Please can I remind you all that Thursday is a 6pm performance, so we need to see all children returning to school … Read more

Booking Your Child’s Christmas Dinner

Dear Parents, A reminder to you all that Thursday 14th December is our Christmas Dinner Day. Please can you book your child’s dinner using the Parent Pay App by Wednesday 13th December so Angela our wonderful cook has a rough idea of numbers ready for Thursday. If your child does not want a Christmas dinner they will need … Read more

Save the Children

Dear parents and carers, Thank you to those that have donated £1 per child for Save the Children. I know it’s an expensive time of year but our St Anne’s family is always so generous. If you were unable to donate this morning, we will happily receive money tomorrow for such a worth while cause. … Read more

Christmas Concert Tickets

Dear Parents As you know we will be holding our Christmas Concerts on the following dates Infant Concerts  “Let’s Celebrate the Season” Monday 11th December at 2 30 pm Wednesday 13th December at 10 am Junior Concerts “Around the World for Christmas“ Tuesday 12th December at 2-15pm Thursday 14th December at 6pm  All concerts will take place in the … Read more

Non Uniform Day

Just a reminder that tomorrow is non uniform day. Please send in a Christmas chocolate, selection box or treat as a fine. Many Thanks St Anne’s