Whole school: cake sale

Wow!! Our cake sale today was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who donated and bought cakes. The school council helped to sell cakes to the whole school and we have raised a huge amount to help the people of the Ukraine. We will let you know the total when all monies are collected. … Read more

Cake donations

Thank you so much for all the cake donations that have come through for todays cake sale. I will let you know how much money we have raised for the Ukrainian refugees. Again, thank you for your generosity. It’s overwhelming!  Mrs Priest-Jones

World Book Day

Good Morning, We will be celebrating World Book Day in school on Thursday 17th March. Children will be able to come to school dressed up as a character from their favourite book. We will send out more details nearer the time. Many Thanks, Mrs Howell

Ukraine Fund Raiswr

Dear Parents We are sure that you have all been very upset and worried about the situation in Ukraine. We have all seen the heart-breaking coverage on the television and heard about the desperation of so many innocent people. As a school, we want to find a way of raising vital funds to help the … Read more

School Closure – URGENT

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, ALL schools in Wrexham have been advised to close tomorrow due to the pending storm. We will therefore reopen on Monday 28th February after the half term holiday. Keep safe everyone and enjoy the break. Kind regards Mrs Priest-Jones.


Good afternoon, I have received a phone call this afternoon regarding the road works. Prince Charles Road will continue to remain open for access to school. If you are driving, you will just need to explain to the contractors that you are dropping children or collecting from school to ensure they make room to let … Read more

Access to school grounds

We have just been informed that the road outside of school is closed due to it being tarmacked.  The only access to school is through the Church Grounds. Thank You