Year 6 : First aid training

St Johns ambulance came in today to work with year 6 and showed us how to give CPR and how to help someone if choking. We were also shown how to put people in the recovery position. Great skills for the children to have.

Shoe Box appeal

A reminder that tomorrow the shoe boxes will be collected by Teams4U. Thank you to all our families that have already contributed to such a worth while cause.

Year 5: Trip out

A fabulous day out again! Pond dipping, river walking, spy games, potato digging, co ordinate games, sand bag filling, code breaking, morse code and a whole lot of playing! Apologies for the dirty children going home but oh what fun they had!!

Year 5: Trip out

A fabulous day out again! Pond dipping, river walking, spy games, potato digging, co ordinate games, sand bag filling, code breaking, morse code and a whole lot of playing! Apologies for the dirty children going home but oh what fun they had!!

Non Uniform Day

Good morning, There will another Non-Uniform day this Friday 23rd November in preparation for our Christmas Fayre. Please send your child/children into school with either £1 or a bottle for the bottle stall. Thank you.

Year 5: cooking day!

We have spent today cooking food using recipes from the war. The children all looked two of them and were undecided about one!

Year 5: world of work week!

Last week we had many visitors telling us about their jobs. We had a police officer, fireman, nurse, fitness coach and a lady from the bank. Hopefully it has given the children an insight into their jobs.

Parent Council

Good morning, there is a Parent Council meeting tomorrow in school from 8.20am if you are able to attend? Thank you. Mrs Harkin.

Remembrance Assembly

You are all very welcome to join us at 9.10am tomorrow for our Remembrance Assembly! A big thank you to the children in Year 5 who are leading it this year.

Welcome to Year 6.

Welcome to year 6.  This term we are exploring ideas linked to the book ‘If the World were a Village.’ We will be considering ourselves as global citizens and how we can help make the world a better place for all. Year 6 will be going swimming every Tuesday up to Christmas and after the October … Read more